Nonfiction book cover (Business)

Nonfiction book cover (Business)

Graphic Design Brief

I need a top-notch book cover that is creatively made (not like the book cover of most selfpublishers that follows the same structure for every cover.

This must be UNIQUE.

It must grab attention and entice browsers to click.

Since the topic is entrepreneurship, it’s advisable the cover sends the message of ”power” and ”ambition”.

I’d rather go home with 0 designs rather than receiving 100 trash ones so please try to do your absolute best.
I will not post examples of good covers since this will affect the designer’s judgment. The designer must have an understanding of how nonfiction works in order to create a unique cover.

Play around with uppercase or lowercase. Try to have all the text in uppercase and see how it looks.

Title: Effective Entrepreneurship
Subtitle: The 7 Principles of Elite Entrepreneur – and How You Can Adopt These
Author: Walter Grant

The title must be very large and take up all of space.

Design an ebook cover only. Once I’ve chosen which cover to go with, I’ll work with the designer on the spine and back.

I would advise going to google and search for something like ”best selling nonfiction/business covers to get a better feel of how these covers look. Nonfiction and fiction covers are two entirely different fields.

Project Details

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