Flyer for German Caritas A4 folded flyer REDESIGN

Flyer for German Caritas A4 folded flyer REDESIGN

Flyer Design Brief

please revise the existing design

Flyer design for assisted living (service living)

Of course you can also change the font size as you want it !!!

It is a double-page A4 flyer that is divided into three columns.
In total, 6 independent columns should be created. The flyer should be prepared for printing and should have a sufficient distance from the edge.

If possible, the logo and this sentence should be on the first page:
Service living in Köhlerweg

Living in old age with perspective
On the back a possibility to present the prices appropriately.

Furthermore, it is important that the floor plans can be changed at any time. you can also use stock photography for the floor plans.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to me directly.

I have attached the texts and graphics as a PDF. Please use the data from a PDF of your choice.

The flyer is aimed at older people and pensioners who depend on help due to their personal situation. However, it is a very upscale house which, with many services, makes living extremely pleasant.
Please try to make the design as authentic and unique as possible.

I have attached the texts to you again as a file. Feel free to use them for building stock photography

Be unique, please be as creative as possible. Gladly also several designs from one designer because we intend to buy several designs. There are currently 4-5 other designs in the room to be bought from this project.

But please use clear structures and use the red from the logo as the basic color.

Here are a few more websites with information and a feel for the design, but there should be no way to stick to it completely. it would be much nicer to get new ideas and new impressions from you

Please take a close look at the three PDF files with the information. You are also welcome to use all elements from these files.

Project Details

  • Name :
  • Location :
  • Expertise :