Need a complete identity design for my professional consulting startup.

Need a complete identity design for my professional consulting startup.

Logo Design Brief

We need everything: a logo, stationary, business cards, a simple website because we are starting something brand new.

Ironically, the service we are offering is also for starting businesses 🙂

LaunchKit helps entrepreneurs and startups grow quickly by making sure they have all the digital tools they need to run their business in an efficient manner.

We’re starting in Belgium with this pitch: You want to start a business? It’s actually very easy if you have done this before. Let us set up everything you need to get going & grow quickly.

The logo: It may include a rocket (= to launch) but you could also perhaps use a toolbox (= kit) ? However, you are free to use this suggestions or make another proposal.

Project Details

  • Name :
  • Location :
  • Expertise :